This has to be the coolest thing I've ever seen polymer clay used for! Bill Robbins, aka Elmer Presslee, may have a somewhat sick and twisted aesthetic when it comes to his artwork (personally, I enjoy a bit of that) but he also seems to be a great dad who knows what little kids really want. He made this zombie head stroller for his adorable daughter and you've got to check out the photos he took of her riding in it. She must be the luckiest little girl in Utah.
I've been trying to find time to put a blog entry together for almost two weeks but I've been busy with packing and preparation for a workshop. If you're a regular reader, you probably know that the Euro Clay Carnival starts Friday in Nottingham, England. I've been looking forward to my first trip to Europe for months and thrilled, of course, at the opportunity to meet so many of my European online friends. I've been excited about our poker chip swap, too and made sure that I had enough to trade with everyone.

Sadly, although my chips will be there, I won't be able to head across the pond now, at all. Right before my plane was to leave, my son Adam became very ill and after spending the better part of two days in the emergency room, he was diagnosed with kidney stones. He's only 15 and leaving him here while I jetted off to another country was just out of the question for me. To call this the week from hell is definitely an understatement. There's been enough incompetence, misdiagnoses, and complications to send a sane person over the edge. Adam's home now and we're managing his pain, hoping that the stones will pass on their own and that he'll soon be back to normal.
I'm heartbroken to be missing this wonderful opportunity and terribly sorry to disappoint the students (a double class with Donna Kato will more than make up for my absence, I'm sure!) but, I'm where I need to be and doing what I need to do right now. He may be 6' 2" but he's still my baby!
Oh Kim, I am SO sorry to hear about your trip. Those Mom Challenges are really tough, but there's no choice in the matter. And I'm sure your son appreciates both your sacrifice and your presence during bad times. I hope he's feeling better soon.
I agree with Libby. Having had Kidney stones myself, you've done the right thing by staying with your son. It must be very frustrating and disappointing for you though. That really sucks!
However, if your son is 15 this may just be an opportunity to spend some time with him, before he grows up and leaves the home.
There will always next years Clay Carnival. Fast healing to your son!!
Thanks Libby and Cindy. I'm glad he knows that he and his brother are the most important things in the world to me. I'm just so thankful that it happened BEFORE I left!
Hi Kim - oh what a time you must be going through. I would have done exactly the same as you. Life does test us all!I hope the pain is easing.
At least you have Europe next year in France to look forward to!
Take care - big hugs...
I am so sorry you won't be at the Carnival - I was really looking forward to meeting you. You have put in so much work in preparation - not only on the chips but with everything else - keeping us all on the straight and narrow in the Yahoo group. However, family must always copme first - being mother to a son myself I know that you have made the right decision. At 15 they may act all hard and grown up but they still need their mums (or moms as you would say!). Thank you for sending your chips anyway - they will all add to the "bit of fun" lol. Hope your young man feels better really soon and look forward to seeing you in France next year.
How awful for Adam...my darling man had kidney stones last year. To see a big man reduced by such pain is very disconcerting...so i can just imagine what you are all going through. I hope Adam is able to pass the stones himself...how can such little weeny things cause such pain.
And there is always next year isnt there...as long a wait as it might seem.
Best of luck to you all
Kim, I'm so sorry you didn't get to go. But I'm so happy you were there with him...I'm sure he needs Mom right now. So scary. I know you will be so missed over there but your beautiful swap chips will take your place.
BTW, I got the plexi frame for the magazine page! I haven't gotten it up because I've been cleaning like mad. I can't let the main floor be wonderful and the rest a mess!!!!
Kim, obviously you are a great Mom as well as a fantastic polymer clay artist. You are exactly where you need to be and I'm sure everyone will understand.
My youngest son has had two kidney transplants, the latest one being last summer, so I know first hand of where you're coming from (including having to deal with the hospital/medical systems).
I hope he feels better soon and take care.
Thanks, Kylee! The news about France definitely cheered me up! Will talk with you soon.
Susan, thank you so much for the wonderful note. It means so much to me. I think you've nailed it perfectly. Boys that age are trying so hard to be tough but they are still just boys underneath it all. I'm sorry not to meet you this time but glad to know that I'll see you in France.
Julz, it seems to be one of the most painful conditions ever. I've heard it's worse than childbirth. Hope you hubby never has to go through it again!
Thanks Susan! Be sure and send me a pic of the finished project. I'm so flattered that you would want that in your studio.
Oh Rebecca, how very scary that all must be. Kidney stones seem very minor compared to what your son has gone through. I'm so sorry that he's been through all of this and I hope that he's doing well now. I'm wishing wonderful things for him, for you, and for all of your family. Thank you for writing, I really appreciate it.
Thanks so much Kim,
No matter what the problem is we all worry about our kids the same.
He (Ricky) is doing great. He's starting college in September and is anticipating many, many years of good health.
I am sure you guys will do just as well.
What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.
So sorry to hear that Kim. I hope he's feeling better soon. Thank got it happened BEFORE leaving to europe. I woould have done the same thing. And as Kylee said. We'll have you here next year;)
PS: btw - great poker chips - love them
Oh Kim! I am soooo sorry to hear about your son and missing your trip to England. But I applaud your decision to stay home. Teenage boys might like to think they don't need mom, but their mothers know better. ;) Being there for your son aces all! England will still be there later (and maybe another teaching opportunity there too).
Oh, yeah... and your sea urchins? Zounds, woman! You (and your sea urchins) rock!! Absolutely delightful, my friend! Keep it coming (when life allows)!
First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about your son and what he's been through. I hope he's doing well and recovering nicely at home...nothing like mama's love to bring him around :)
Secondly, I'm sorry for YOU and the trauma you've endured in trying to balance mothering with your long awaited trip. All I can say is "I get it"......been through something similar lately (although not involving the health of a child, which ups the ante by leaps and bounds!), so I can relate, one mom to another.
You made a tough, but correct choice (imo)..
Take good care, jana
Oh Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about your son and I can totally relate. My 15 year old had something similar happen at the beginning of the year. We'll have to compare notes at a better time. I wouldn't wish pain on a child (mine or another) ever, but my son regressed just enough for me to be "mommie" again for a few weeks, and that was something nice to come out of 48 touch and go hours. God works in mysterious ways, they say. Glad he is on the mend. Blessings to you both.
Kim, You're a great mom, obviously, and I've been where you are - although not for a trip to the UK! I'm sure like me, you count the moments at your poor son's side as twice as blessed as going to Europe right now.
One thing I've discovered, now that our son is almost 33 and getting married next year, is that now my time is much more my own - you'll have that time sooner than you can imagine.
Hope those nasty kidney stones pass soon, and that you can put this horrid week behind you as just a crazy memory.
Hello Kim,
I hope that by the time you get this message, all the pain is gone and the stone passed.
And I am sorry you cannot come to England.. I was not able to go but I am sure that a lot of people here would have wanted to see you.
As for the kidney stones.. when I had mine last year, I wanted to know what caused this in order to prevent this. If you can get the stones analyzed.. (I do not remember where I got my initial information) or can find out what the exact content of the stones is, you will be able to adapt the diet of your son so the risk of getting them again will be reduced or even eliminated.
I sincerely hope you can find that information for your son so he can have a happy teenage life withouth having to worry about those horrendous pains.
Wishing you all the best, all the way from bonnie Scotland,
Chris (the wee cowgirl)
Bettina, I'm looking forward to seeing you in France next year. I'm so grateful for that wonderful opportunity!
Thanks Melanie! You're such a good friend. I owe you an email and need to order some bracelet blanks from you soon.
Thanks so much, Jana. I hope that your issue has resolved itself too. I'm fortunate that everyone in England was completely understanding.
Sandi, you're so right! I have had the opportunity to "mommy" him a lot more than usual and it's been wonderful to have that chance again. I miss my "little" boys so much. I don't know how they got to be so grown up!
Hi Cin, it's hard to watch your child go through such a bad time, isn't it? I wish so much I could have switched places with him!
Hi Chris, sorry to hear that you've experienced the pain of kidney stones yourself. When Adam gets rid of these. I'm hoping we can determine what type they are. He still has a third one in the kidney that hasn't moved so there's still unpleasantness ahead, unfortunately.
I'm so sorry you didn't make your trip, and sorry to hear of your son's illness.
But what a great example you're setting for him! Years from now he'll remember this affirmation of how important he is in your life.
What fortunate boys you have, to have you as their mother.
Thank you for this wonderful comment, Nesiejean. You just made my whole day a lot brighter! I really appreciate this.
I was sorry don't meet you to the claycarnival, it will be to anothe time I hope.....Judy was sorry to and tough about you with us...thank you very much for your poker chip...very great, I love it !!!
Isa, I'm so glad you liked the poker chip. I hope to meet you one day soon!
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