Here's a quick and interesting quiz you can take to find out what color your soul is painted. Honestly, I've never given much thought to the
color of my soul. Not surprisingly, here are my results:
I'm grateful my soul wasn't black! What color is yours?
well - I'm green too, and I wasn't surprised...hoped to be as green is my fav color
Hey, Kim! Congrats on the blog...I'm going to post you on mine! I'm blue, btw, which does happen to be my favorite color!
Inky Hugs, Robin
Well, crap! Mine is grey!!! I was so sure it was going to be red! I wonder what I said to make it grey! Ick.
Hi, Kim - nice job on the blog!
My "soul" is:
Your soul is painted the color purple, which embodies the characteristics of sensuality, spirituality, creativity, wealth, royalty, nobility, mystery, enlightenment, arrogance, gaudiness, mourning, confusion, pride, delicacy, power, meditation, religion, and ambition. Purple falls under the element of Earth, and was once a European symbol of royalty; today it symbolizes the divine.
I'd have guessed green - my favorite color as anyone could tell who's ever been to my house. :-)
Hi Kim,
What a gorgeous blog.
I'm blue with a rainbow of
other colours dancing around.
O.K., I made up the last bit
but I enjoy the image.
I'm looking forward to following
your blog.
Deb Groom
blue for me...:o) always my favorite color as a kid. My eyes are blue and I love blue jeans! Love your new blog Kim...
My soul is blue - but not really!! My soul should be reds and oranges and golds and glittery and tacky as anything. My soul is actually shaped like a Magpie.
hey kim, it's steph, your mcdonalds drive thru friend from maine, i love your blog and can't wait to see what you have on there next! my soul is grey, what is that crap? i was hoping for purple my fav color! take care and keep on blogging, love it! steph
Somehow I ended up pink - I really thought I'd be green... Pink generally doesn't do t for me, LOL!
I came out purple. Which made me grin since purple has been my favorite color for as long as I can remember. I can't WEAR it, but I still love it.
It's great to see you in blogging land! You are very enjoyable to read. :)
P.S...I can't believe Susan's soul is grey. Pa-shaw!! Susan should be technicolor rainbow for sure!
Hey Kim, I love your blog. I'm red which is a delight since it is my favorite color. Chryse and I are finally in our houses and starting to clay in earnest again so thanks for the inspiration.
Pat L
My soul is red and it SURPRISED me- saw it again during a meditation. Seriously cool to be 'aware', no? Can't wait to see you in Las Vegas.
Hi Kim, love your blog! Very nice job. I'm surprised your soul isn't LIME green. I guess we're kind of kindred spirits since I'm a green too.
WOW! Thanks for all the great response on this post. I really liked the little color quiz and I'm sorry some of you didn't get the color you were hoping for. It was so nice to hear from some old friends and hopefully, you'll come back to visit often.
Hi Kim,
I found you through Polymer Clay Daily, which I read daily.
My result was black, and it does fit me, though my favorite color is actually purple. Great blog, and I'll be back.
Mine was Blue:
Your soul is painted the color blue, which embodies the characteristics of peace, patience, understanding, health, tranquility, protection, spiritual awareness, unity, harmony, calmness, coolness, confidence, dependability, loyalty, idealism, tackiness, and wisdom. Blue is the color of the element Water, and is symbolic of the ocean, sleep, twilight, and the sky
This was a fun and thought proviking little quiz. Thanks Kim
I'm blue which is a colour palette that I work with frequently, but if I had to choose a favourite colour it would be green, then ruby, then cobalt.
Thanks for the posting!
Hiya Kim...just found your it...I am purple!...of which I am tickled to death for...because it is my favorite color!... :)
very neat quiz, I expected mine to be red, but it was close .... being 'orange' the color of my hair growing up!!! guess you know I was known as 'carrot top' to those who loved to taunt me.
your blog is great, I love the whole way you talk and find interesting stuff to share, very nice indeed.
What a fun quiz Kim. I was yellow, which was my favorite color as a kid.
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