When I saw Beach Stones by Josie Iselin, I had to have it. It's been a great inspiration to me and has fueled my rock obsession.
It's also led me to create lots of polymer stones like these.
A must-have book for all rock hounds!
Musings on polymer clay, creativity, rocks and other things.
I have just discovered your great blog!
Your pebbles are beautifull!
(I have weakness for pebbles and stones...)
Your blog is on my fav's now!
Thank you Ruth. And I just see where you have a blog as well. Very nice, there's much to read!
Ack! Another book to buy!! Dang you Kim Cavender!! ;P
Seriously, thanks for the very cool book tip, my dear. It's on my wish list... When is Christmas?
Kim, I am soooo loving your rocks and translucent work. I've been wearing that terrific pendant you swapped with me a LOT, and I always get lots of comments (good ones - lol).
ciao, bella! -Melanie
That looks like a great book. I have been a rock collector since I was small and now my son does the same. We have piles of rocks all over the place (not really, we don't live in a cave, but we do have a lot). We both favor the perfectly rounded ones that you can find in stream beds. Your pieces are very reminiscent of those rocks, only even more delicious because of the fantastic colors and depth. I would love to do a feature on my blog about how you are inspired by rock, if you are interested, you can flickr mail me and I will send you the questions. Thanks so much for linking to my blog. You have sent me a lot of traffic over the past week!
Hi Melanie, glad you like the pendant. I love my bracelet!
Thanks for your nice comments Tamara. I'm a big fan of your work. I just got back into town so give me a few days to catch up and I'll send you a note.
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